Degree in Supply Chain Management - Supply Chain Courses I CILT

Our Courses

Bachelor of Business in Supply Chain Management

About the Bachelor of Business in Supply Chain Management

The Level 7 Degree is a ONE YEAR, PART TIME, ADD ON programme run in conjunction with SETU or the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) part of MTU.

Students who have successfully completed the old two year CILT Diploma/Higher Certificate in Business, Logistics & Supply Chain Management are eligible to apply for this programme
(The programme is not restricted to CILT graduates only)

Students who have gained a recognised qualification from another Institute are eligible to apply also.


Apply for the Course

  • All former CILT Professional Diploma Student Graduates must also complete an RPL form which demonstrates a student’s knowledge of the supply chain management environment. This RPL form must be returned to SETU with your application form.

  • For more information on the BBS Degree please email to the Extended Campus Coordinator in SETU.

  • For those interested in Level 7 Degree with NMCI follow this LINK for more information.

Course Outline

  • Business Finance: Develops financial skills and knowledge expected of a business manager, in relation to operational, pricing, investment and financing decisions.
  • Operations Management: Introduces the elements of operations management and gives students an understanding of the role of the operations function within an organisation and the outward impact operations has on all aspects of the business.
  • Business Research Methods: Provides students with an understanding of the nature of the research process and what it entails, from the initial stages of finding a research question/hypothesis to the final product of the research project/thesis.
  • Purchasing and Supplier Management: Introduces students to the role of purchasing and the selection, appraisal, negotiation with and management of suppliers.
  • Inventory and Materials Management: Provides students with the ability to use inventory management tools across a wide range of industry sectors and a comprehensive understanding of materials management in the manufacturing industry.
  • Organisational Behaviour: Gives students an integrated overview of organisational management, specifically the manner in which individual, group and organisational variables interconnect. It aims to encourage a deeper level of awareness of the organisational factors and management processes influencing behaviour and performance of people at work. 

Benefits of the Degree

This QQI Level 7 course includes student membership of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport for the duration of the course. Students can then apply to join the Institute.

On completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of emerging theories, concepts and methods pertaining to the field of supply chain management in order to assist organisations to develop and sustain competitive advantage.
  • Demonstrate an extensive up-to-date knowledge and understanding of supply chain management in the context of a changing business environment.
  • Formulate and apply ideas to new contexts and effectively use quantitative concepts and methods to interpret and to critically evaluate data. This will enable the student to problem solve in different situations demanding quantitative literacy.
  • Demonstrate managerial ability through the analysis, interpretation and integration of data within various business settings and the application of  problem solving skills and creative thinking to a range of business issues.  

Examination Format

Examination of the Bachelor of Business in Supply Chain Management is carried out by the respective universities. For information on examinations and marking systems contact the college.

Approved Degree Centres

South East Technological University (SETU) & Munster Technological University (MTU)


South East Technological University (SETU) & Munster Technological University (MTU)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there any Grants Available for the Level 7 Degree?

  2. Can I get a Student Visa to do the Level 7 Degree?

  3. Does the Level 7 Degree Qualify for Tax Relief?