Membership grades

Membership grades

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CILT membership:  

See the Membership FAQ Section (below) for details if you are a previous member.

Membership FAQ Section - Please Read

I was a member in the past and would like to reapply again – do I complete the online application?
No, do not complete the online application – please email a member of staff will check your information. We will then come back to you as to what to do next.

 I feel I should be a Full Member (MILT) or Chartered Member (CMILT), how do I do this?

Individuals apply online to join the Institute first.
When accepted by the Membership Committee you will be sent a confirmation email welcoming you to the Institute.

In this email it will state you have the opportunity to progress your membership to either MILT or CMILT level.

We may need some extra information from you in regard to work experience or education. This information is sent to the Membership Committee for review and approval. Please note it can take a couple of weeks to process your application. 

I am currently MILT and would like to be considered for Chartered (CMILT) status - how do I go about this?

Please get in touch with the membership administrator by emailing We may require additional information from you regarding the reasons for upgrading your membership. These may be a change in roles within your career, further education or a combination of the two.

I don’t get the weekly Ezine/Newsletter Emails – why is this?
This could be for a variety of reasons:

-        The ezine is being sent to your junk mail – you will need to ‘Mark it as Safe’ so it appears in your inbox and not as junk / spam.

-        You have changed jobs – many individuals use a work email to receive the Ezine and move on to other employment. It is your responsibility to keep CILT updated, please email us to change address.

-        You may have opted out of the Ezine some time ago, if you wise to receive it again please email us stating you would like to go back on the Ezine list.

-        It may be blocked by your work email – please contact your IT section to ask them.

If you have any queries relating to the weekly newsletter please email and we will contact you.

Student Memberships

Students of CILT – Free

Student: €25 

Students currently enrolled in the CILT Higher Certificate in Sustainable Supply Chains, Digitalisation  & Logistics can avail of free membership of the Institute during their study and for one year after graduation.
Upon graduation they may apply to become a member (MILT) of the Institute.

Students of any other Supply Chain, Logistics or Transport programs in Ireland may join with a subscription of €25


Member (MILT) - €130 (retired €50) per annum

This CILT membership grade requires you to have at least three years junior management experience in the logistics, transport or supply chain industry and/or hold relevant qualifications in this industry. Decisions are made on a case by case basis therefore if an applicant is lacking qualifications but has significant experience or vice versa this will be taken into consideration. 

Members are entitled to use the post-nominal letters MILT (Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport) while being an active, paid member of CILT.

All applications are assessed separately with final decision on membership grade awarded by the CILT Membership Committee.


Chartered (CMILT) - €160 (retired €50) per annum

Applicants should have a minimum of five years’ experience in logistics, transport or supply chain management, with at least two of those years at senior management level, plus relevant qualifications to qualify for chartered membership. However, decisions are made on a case by case basis so a lack of qualifications but significant experience or vice versa will be taken into consideration. 

Chartered members are entitled to use the post-nominal letters CMILT (Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport) while being an active, paid member of CILT and can vote in CILT’s AGM.

All applications are assessed separately with final decision on membership grade awarded by the CILT Membership Committee.


Fellow (FCILT) - €190 (retired €50) per annum

Applicants to become a fellow of the Institute require a minimum of seven years recent senior management experience in the logistics, transport or supply chain industries. The Council of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport may grant fellowships in the case of an individual’s eminence in or outstanding contribution to the industry.

Fellows of the Institute are entitled to use the post-nominal letters FCILT (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport) while being an active, paid member of CILT and can vote in CILT’s AGM.

Please note: Fellowship is by nomination process only - an individual may not apply for this grade level, it is awarded by peers and the Institute.